

Eugene Kwame Marfo known in the entertainment cycle as Kuami Eugene has disclosed that Andrew Nii Commey Otoo aka Mr. Drew has fulfilled his financial obligation of his contribution to the song, ‘Case’.

The ‘Angela’ hitmaker had revealed that he had written about eighty percent of Mr. Drew’s song, ‘Case’ but the he failed to acknowledge his input or pay him for his hard work.

In an interview today, Kuami Eugene said Mr Drew has finally gotten in touch with him and given him what is due him for his work.

“He didn’t have a total knowledge of what he was doing. He didn’t know that if you put music out there without the consent of the one that wrote it, it’s illegal. So I won’t blame him. He is a brother, and I am glad he learned and he hit me up right after everything. He’s given me my percentage,” he noted.

A few weeks ago Kuami Eugene mentioned that he wrote the hook and parts of second verse of the song.

“I wrote the entire hook, and some part of the second verse. I wrote like 80 percent of that song. In fact, before he came to record the song that hook and everything was already done, he listened to it and sang it,” Kuami Eugene added.

Kuami who said Mr. Drew had declined to respond to his messages, asked advised the ‘Case’ singer to provide a split sheet so they could both reach an agreement on proceeds from the song.

I love peace, so me, Kaywa, him, whatever is going on, let’s get it fixed. He can send one split sheet and that will solve everything. I am saying this because he has seen my messages and has blue-ticked me as if he has not seen them but the song is doing well on the market,” he further stated.

Kuami Eugene is said to have written songs for some great artists in the likes of Kuame Yogot, Keche, MzVee, Mr, Drew and Joyce Blessing amongst others.

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